Feeling Negative? Let Me Help You

I’m going to cut straight to the chase: how optimistic are you feeling right now? Like how are you coping with:

Covid life readjustments?

Working from home?

The kid/work juggle?

The worry?

The social distancing?

The mask wearing?

Our collective murky future?

If you’re anything like me, you won’t be finding it easy, that’s for sure.

I have some good news though; despite all of this (and a whole lot more), you can still turn that heavy, negative head into an optimistic one. And it isn’t as hard as it sounds.

Because while you might think that optimism and pessimism are personality traits; researchers now believe that we have the power to dial up or down our optimism genes, a bit like a volume control.

As British science writer and professor, Tim Spector puts it, ‘We are regaining control, if you like, of our genes.’ Which is excellent news.

Often, we feel most negatively about our lives and ourselves when something bad happens, like a mistake at work, or a personal mess up. This is how it goes: you make a mistake, you berate yourself, you blow the whole thing out of proportion and then everything feels overwhelming and unmanageable. You feel like crap. Anyone?

There’s a trick though, and it’s happens by intersecting the part where you tell yourself what actually happened to cause the mistake. Obviously no one can avoid life or work mess ups, but you can manage how you respond to them by thinking about how you mentally process what’s just happened.

And I can show you how in the membership club this month.

We just can’t live jumping from one emotional dip to the next, do you know what I mean? It’s just exhausting.

So we need to learn to manage our emotions, because mistakes will always happen. How we respond to them though, that’s where there you can learn to stop spiralling out of control.

The course that’s just gone live in the member’s zone this week is will give you your sanity back. It’s called Save Your Mind because I want to do just that.

Step-by-step I go through:

  • How to cope in the face of adversity

  • How to make the most of your perfectionism

  • How to Say No to others, to buy yourself more time (and sanity)

  • Plus there’s the live coaching call to bring it all to live – and ask whatever you want.

So how does it work in the Club? Well, simply put there’s a new course each month, and every single one will make you feel stronger, more in control of your work life and happier too.

if you join now (remember, you can cancel anytime, so why not give it a go?) you’ll get:

Save Your Mind for August

Money Mindset in September (you want to earn what you’re worth, right?)

Build Your Self-Esteem in October

Coping With Failure and Becoming A Risk Taker in November

Setting Goals for 2021 in December

It’s a winning combination of courses, all of which you can keep coming back to for 6 months as many times as you like. These course themes, build on each other to get you coping like you really want to, in these changeable times.

Plus there’s the monthly coaching calls (2 x experts for an hour, ready to help you all), the community for support and understanding and the knowledge that you’re taking proactive steps to somewhere better. The last point alone will make you feel lighter straight away. Help yourself, and you’ll help everyone else around you.

What’s stopping you? Honestly, what is stopping you? I’d love to know so that I can keep making improvements to what’s on offer here at Step Up.

Drop me an email and let me know.


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