Networking, Boundaries, Knowledge Sharing

So much summed up in one photo.

For context, this is Rosamund Dean and I just after our Be Your Own Boss talk as part of OMEGA SA amazing #HerTime event series.

I am sharing this photo for 5 different reasons. Read them, they might spark a new thought, or inspiration in you.

1. Look at the gold; no seriously, this is the most beautiful 'house' I've ever had the pleasure of hosting within. Surroundings matter - I felt like a Queen.

2. Ros reached out a month or so ago to ask if she could interview me live for this event. Her email epitomises simple, productive networking. Ros and I worked together for a while at Red Magazine UK we've loosely stayed in touch. I was flattered, she was happy she'd filled her expert seat, it was great working together again. Networking is the lifeblood of new opportunities and progress. Fact.

3. I was asked a question from the audience about establishing boundaries. I made the point that boundaries aren't about shutting people out (as we often assume they are 'I am not available on Thursday afternoons'), they only work when you let people in. Establish and maintain your boundaries by sharing what you're doing and why with those who will be impacted. Open conversations and trust are the route to healthy work.

4. Not in shot here Stephanie Foxley Anna Tomkins and Natasha Brilliant - all members of our awesome The Step Up Club Community. I was able to invite 3 guests and they responded first. Online interaction is awesome but then you see each other in person again with champagne, good conversation and charcuterie boards and you remember there is more to life....

5. I loved it. Being able to share my knowledge, connecting to new women, seeing old friends, wearing a stonking OMEGA SA watch, accidentally matching the surroundings and crucially, missing bath time. It's good to share your wins.

If there are opportunities at your work, to host these types of events, or to introduce me to your L&D lead/women's network, please join those dots, or get in touch.

I'm currently putting the final touches to our new website (I know, I know, it's taken forever) and I re-read a homepage statistic: 43% of working women are burnt out (McKinsey & Company) - we need to pull together as women (and educate men too) in order to avoid burnout and other negative effects that a lack of workplace equity creates.

How can The Step Up Club help you and your colleagues? Let me know below.


Gender Equity Is Everyone’s Responsibility


Presence: Its A Mind Game