7 Easy Ways To Navigate Tricky Conversations

In celebration of our soon-to-launch Corporate Community Membership solution, I am sharing a series of posts inspired by conversations with members already in the Community, to give you flavour of what goes on - and to provide useful, action-led takeaways.

Tricky conversations are a stalwart of working life. Tricky doesn’t mean negative; tricky means potentially charged, and potentially charged can lead to all sorts of exciting, collaborative thinking and progress. You just need to tread carefully. Here’s my starter for 10 (or rather 7).

Alice's 7 Easy Ways To Navigate Tricky Conversations

1. Acknowledge the problem - take some time beforehand, to really articulate and understand what’s going on
2. Be direct - ambiguity is not your friend in these types of situation, show respect by being clear; this can feel uncomfortable but it’s so important
3. Listen - set the scene, then encourage the other side to talk; ask questions if they are struggling; make them feel heard
4. Come up with a solution together - building your route forward together will increase their sense of ownership over how things will change
5. Stay professional - no accusations, no gossip
6. Pay attention and follow up - afterwards, keep a close eye on what is going on, whether actions have been taken; agree a time you will review the aftermath together
7. Know if and when you escalate - be aware, stay open about any shifts in the proceedings

This is not an exhaustive list, but lots of members have told me how useful it's been when they've had to lead or be a part of charged professional interactions. I see this list as a practical route map to empower you, and keep good culture at the front of everyone’s minds too.

⭐ Comment below if you have other productive tips and tricky ⭐

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